June 15, 2012

Keep It Simple Stupid

Life has been feeling a little static lately. I suppose exams don't help because I've been studying day in and day out for a long time now, but I swear I don't usually get this bored with it all. I suppose it would've helped if I'd gone to my lectures, so study wasn't just catching up on those, but you know :P

My brilliant not-so-good uni student ways aside, I've decided something has to be done to brighten up my mood - something to mix things up a bit. I've been thinking about how to do this for a while now, and when I finally figured it out, it was a bit of a slap in the face - why don't I just do all the things that I keep wishing I did? Keep It Simple Stupid - duh!

So far, I've come up with 4 things to do :)

Watch a new movie every week.
My friends are constantly shocked and horrified by all the movies I haven't seen. It is actually bordering on ridiculous. I hadn't seen Forrest Gump until my friend forced me to watch it earlier this year. It didn't stop me from yelling 'Run Forrest, Run!' randomly, but you know... I also hadn't seen Jurassic Park until I visited my friend in Singapore last year - she put an end to that one. I am yet to see the Little Mermaid, or Pulp Fiction, or...well, a lot of movies. So I've decided to put an end to all of the incredulous looks people give me when they quote very famous lines from very famous movies and I meet them with a blank stare. I'm going to fix it. I'm going to watch a movie (maybe two) a week. Suggestions greatly appreciated!!

I may already have seen this movie, but I really want to watch it again.
Does that ruin the whole point? :P

Cook a new meal every week.
I like cooking, oh so much. And I used to be pretty darn good at it, if I do say so myself :P I was even starting to copy meals that I ate in restaurants, or just making dishes up off the top of my head. But then I had two shoulder reconstructions and that made cooking really tough. Then when I started to cook again, it didn't work out quite the same and I got a bit sad, so I stopped cooking. I'm going to stop wallowing in my own misery though - the cooking starts now! Instead of feeling sad when I watch masterchef because my chef skills vanished, I'm going to get back into it. Brothers beware!! (They're my test dummies. Drag queen meringues have been the favourite so far...not really) :P

One of the things I miss about cooking?
The excessive amount of garlic I put into everything savoury :P
See this post for how I chose to consume this garlic :D

Get at least one coffee a week... (you laugh now, but keep reading!) :P
...that's not from Lowdown, Tim or the Roastery**.
Lowdown? You know all about. Tim? Scroll down until you see a picture of a donut and then you can know a little about him :P The Roastery? It's my local coffee haunt - I really ought to tell you more about that one. I do love these guys and the utterly fantastic coffees they make, but really, I'm a coffee fanatic, so I should be able to talk about a few more places, especially when Perth is starting to get kind of exciting on the coffee scene! Bring it on!

Piccolo Flat White from Lowdown.
Please excuse the recycled pictures :P

Finally, do all the DIY/crafty projects that I've been planning to do/started and haven't finished.
Bet you didn't know I like being crafty! Probably because I never finish anything, so I never have anything to show for it :P Again, that ends now! I should actually do this stuff because I really enjoy it, I just seem to get to the tiny last little bit and never finish, which seems a bit silly. Also, this means more trips to my aunty's place to use her sewing machine, and I really like seeing my Aunty :D

My desk - home to my crafty projects and film cameras that I really ought to use.
And my wall - home to an ongoing collage that could do with a bit of love :)

Hopefully, this will mean a few more interesting blogs as well. Wish me luck guys! Oh and have a rad weekend :)

Over and out.
Rhi xx

**It should be noted that I will still be drinking copious amounts of coffee from all of these lovely shops :P


Bri Lamkin said...

Hey thanks for your comment! :) that's awesome about the camera. Also, an estate sale is an in house sale after an old person dies and they don't have anything to do with their stuff. I have found some really awesome stuff at estate sales.

Unknown said...

this is a brilliant idea, and it's a good way of watching new films! I've just read about one in today's paper called Nightbirds (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nightbirds-DVD-Blu-ray-Berwick-Kaler/dp/B006C1M4R8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1339798926&sr=8-1)
that sounds tight up my street.. it's just been restored and given to BFI to release.

PS. DRIVE is a fantastic film!



Leila said...

I love this list! I also keep lists like this to keep myself on track with things I want to do; I need to be rigid with myself or else I get lazy and put things off. ;P I'm excited to hear what movies you watch!

Cathy Trails said...

I love this ambitious list! I've been feeling the same way too. I need to just do more during the summertime. I've been mostly focusing on getting a job right now which is good but I want to learn more, see more!! You know what's funny? I just saw Pulp Fiction for the first time several days ago. I've never seen Bambi, Drive, and many many more. I feel ya!

Keep us posted on your goals! :)

Cathy Trails

P.s. You can do it!

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

An excellent list, and I like how you have kept is nice and simple and achievable. I've been catching up on films for the past few years, there always seem to be ever more I haven't seen! My faves include Breakast at Tiffanys, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Predator and Star Wars (just for a range of options!).

Penny Dreadful Vintage

Gaby said...

sounds like a perfect list. going to the cinema always makes me feel better too :)

The Braided Bandit said...

I love this! So inspiring and all of these things seem actually attainable. I also saw your Ryan Gossling video which I will have to check out after I get home from work! (No streaming internet things while I am here, boo). Good for you for cooking and good luck with the exams!
xo Hannah